Különbség a who is és whose között

Kezdő szinten a tanárok sokszor felhívják a figyelmet a who is és whose különbségeire. Így leírva a két szó megkülönböztethető, viszont a probléma akkor...

The use of verb tenses

Today, we're going to talk about the use of verb tenses in English. Verb tenses are used to indicate the time in which an...

Something that must be discussed

Modal verbs and passive voice are two important elements of the English language. Both can be used to communicate a variety of nuances and...

The use of articles

Today, we're going to talk about the use of articles in English. Articles are a small but important part of the English language that...

I forgot it or I have forgotten it?

Both "I forgot it" and "I have forgotten it" are correct and can be used interchangeably. The former is in the simple past tense...